Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I'm embracing this quote right now. Yes, my boyfriend and I will be moving to a state that I've never been to before. But I'm excited for that adventure. This quote works for my last happening. This past weekend, I tried snowboarding for the first time (finally). It was a beautiful spring day at Mt. Hood Meadows and I had the sexiest teacher on the slopes (yes, my lovely boyfriend). Let's just say it wasn't easy. I need a lot more practice and work. But it was a lot of fun even when my tailbone was screaming with pain. I'm really looking forward to next winter season to hone my skills. I'm still in that weary, fearful stage. I need to get out of comfort zone and just fall. Sooner or later, I'll be much better. Practice, practice, practice.

Source: abduzeedo.com via Megan on Pinterest

What adventure have you taken lately that's been out of your comfort zone?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this quote is so so true! I recently moved to a city with my bf that I had never been to either. It's been such a fun adventure, and I'm sure you will have SO much fun! Best of luck :) xoxo, morgan


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