Friday, April 20, 2012

Picnic Time - Friday's Fancies

I'm so excited for a warm and sunny weekend. A picnic sounds like a fabulous way to spend the weekend. I'm loving the inspiration from Atlantic-Pacific with the gorgeous Pendleton Glacier Park blanket. My picnic will have a six pack of delicious micro-brews too.

Picnic - Friday's Fancies
// top // bracelet // basket // blanket // shorts // sandals // beer //


  1. I love those blankets! So comfy and perfect for a picnic (and I'd take the beer too!)

  2. love the orange top! and you're probably the only one I've seen that put beer instead of wine/champagne on your list. think we could be friends?

    hope you had a great weekend! {I have a giveaway going on right now & would love for you to enter!}


Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day!

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