Saturday, August 1, 2009


I am exhausted. My best friend, Michelle, who I've known since the 3rd grade got married yesterday! I have been waiting for this wedding since her and Corey started dating back in the 9th grade. I will show you pictures later from the wedding. But the wedding was amazing and the bride and groom looked always. I love the two of them so much. It was such an amazing experience to be part of! I of course, lost it and got teary while giving my speech. It went pretty well though! For now, I am going to relax and try to get all this hairspray out of my hair! Hope you all are having a lovely weekend! I'll be back soon!

1 comment:

  1. AW since 9th grade! That's so cute! Well congrats to Michelle! I love weddings.


Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day!

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