Sunday, March 11, 2012


My fabulous boyfriend just accepted a job in Bozeman. We're moving to Montana in April. It's crazy, exciting, and a little bit over whelming all at the same time. There's lots to do before we move. I'm looking for a job out in Bozeman too. If you know anyone out there then send them my way.
blank state outline via The Vintage Lemon


  1. omg so exciting!!

  2. Wow! Montana. How exciting!

  3. New places and new beginnings! How fun! Excited for you!!
    Because Shanna Said So

  4. Awww congrats to the both of you! It's so fun moving to a new city with the person you love!!! :) What a fun adventure it will be for both of you :) I just realized you're from Portland... ahhh me too, went to Jesuit then transferred to Sunset after sophomore year haha.. But yah I moved from Portland to Savannah & it's been such a great journey!


Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day!

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