Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cover it up

If I had any need for an outdoor rug....
oh, it is sold out anyways.
via overstock.

Dwell Studios

This duvet would look fantastic on my bed! (I have a queen size bed...just saying). Can you spot all the awesome birds? Oh, I like lots.
via Dwell Studios


I squealed this morning when I opened my email to find out that John Mayer is coming to the Gorge this summer. And co-headlining with Keith Urban. And the Avett Brothers are opening. Could it get any more epic?!!! NOPE. I will be there!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Delicious? Yep. Well, I am assuming it is delicious considering it is chocolate. If only this cake wasn't a picture.


Watch as these adorable children reenact The Hills. It is entertaining. I don't watch the show but I am sure it is pretty accurate.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hey, Portland

I am looking for some lovely little work for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Send me an email if you know of anything!


when the world ends

Cause I got you here with me...
image via.

Oh, Zac Posen

I gasped today when I walked into Target and saw the Zac Posen for Target Floral Print Brocade Dress. Holy hell, it is beautiful. I walked past it a couple of time but resisted temptation. I didn't even try it on. That is will power at its finest.


Fantastic! I cannot wait. Eric, Alexander SkarsgÄrd, is so good looking.

Monday, April 26, 2010


I love dresses. I love pretty dresses. I love pretty pictures of dresses.

get in

Sleeping sounds wonderful. I love me some Jason Mraz lyrics too.


Here are some adorable engagement photos. They are so young and so cute. Loving their style.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Above your head

Here are some wonderful headboard inspiration photos! I have yet to invest in a headboard. Always on the lookout though. Which one is your favorite? Or is it too hard decide?
all images via Living Etc.

see those chairs....

Okay, how fantastic are these olive green velvet chairs?!!!! I cannot get them out of my head! There are four of them for only $135! I know, right? I hope when I move these will be suitable in my new place because I LOVE THEM! Oh, they are comfy too. Need to stop thinking about them. Need to stop thinking about them. Need to stop thinking about them.
via Flutter.

Friday, April 23, 2010

oh, yippee!

I am so ready for the weekend. I feel extra tired this week and can't wait to be lazy and enjoy my free time. Have a fabulous weekend.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 22

About a month ago at work I had this little conversation with my boss.
Boss: Do you think you could come in on a Thursday and work?
Me: Sure. What day?
Boss: (looking at his calendar. laughing to himself). Can you work on Earth Day?
Me: Oh, April 22nd. Yeah, of course.
Boss: You actually know what day Earth Day is on?
Me: Well, yes!
(showing my true inner hippie)
image via.

We believe colors can't clash.

I always loved Jonathan Adler. He just makes everything happier. These pieces are all just so fabulous.

a frown upside down

I love typography and happy thoughts. Together is even better.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Could this 60's cotton eyelet dress get any cuter? No seriously, this is perfection. This would make such an adorable wedding dress. From the fabulous vintage clothing boutique, Xtabay, in Portland. Everything in the store is fantastic.
via Xtabay.


By now I am sure you have seen these photos. But seriously, damn girl. I am proud to be a fellow redhead. Thank you Christina Hendricks.
"There are better words than beautiful. Radiant, for instance. It’s an underused word. It’s a very special word. ‘You are radiant.’ Also, enchanting, smoldering, intoxicating, charming, fetching."


I saw this Sheaf of Wheat table in Lonny Magazine (issue 3) and immediately fell in love. It is so whimsical and fantastic! And they have one on VandM (one of my favorite websites to browse). So who wants to purchase this little beauty for me and send it to me? You can occasionally find them on ebay too!
Image here. (page 184)
Buy it here.

In need of a vacay

I need to go here. I would like to go to Portugal so I can stay at Vila Vita Parc Resort & Spa. Yep. wonderful!
Right here.


I love this look and Polyvore. (and of course, Glee too!)


I was just introduced to this song and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I figured I would pass it on to you! Enjoy.
Caro Emerald is wonderful. Seriously, even song is fabulous.

Monday, April 19, 2010


I really want a school pull down map. I think it would best awesome as artwork or as a headboard. I would prefer a world map though. Bid on this one right here.
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